Tuesday, January 1, 2013

January Currently

For my second post I'm linking up with one of my FAVORITE things to do in my classroom from
Thanks Farley for the great linky party each month!

 I chose leap for my OLW because I'm planning to take some big chances and push myself this year.  Ones that are going to take a leap of faith to jump into.  SO to prepare myself for said pushes... I'm choosing leap as my word.  Leaping takes faith and courage.  Two things that are hard to have, but building them every day will allow me to be ready to leap when the time comes. 


Mrs. Kim Ziliak said...

Hi! I found your blog through the currently! I'm excited to be your first follower! You will love the blogging world! I would love for you to stop by my blog!

Literacy Sundae

The Hip Teacher said...
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Breezy Brie said...

Yay! I'm your third follower! :) Looking forward to reading your blog - I love blogging, it's definitely for us crazy somewhat overachievers!

And you're thinking of taxes already?! See, overachiever! I would love it if you checked out my blog to see if it would be something you would be interested in following too.

Brie @ Breezy Special Ed

The Hip Teacher said...

(please ignore my deleted comment above...it was this exact same post, but I accidentally posted a different link with my signature...oops...)

Woo-hoo! I'm Number 2!

Good luck with your leap into blogging! I'm relatively new too, and I have yet to create things to share and sell. I love to share ideas, and I especially love getting new ideas from other bloggers. I can't wait to hear about what you are doing in third grade!


Gina S. said...

Good Luck on your new blogging journey! I have to keep a list of things I want to blog about so that I 1. remember and 2. actually post
Third Grade Tidbits