Sunday, April 7, 2013

Getting Ready to Test

What data do you use to prepare your students for state testing?

I use all kind of data, but for the final push this year. I'm using the data from our "mini AIMS" to drive instruction. We use Galileo to develop our yearly pre/post tests each year as well as quarterly assessments for our students. However, this year we transferred all of our Galileo assessments to be common core standards based, except the mini AIMS which is still AZ standards based. So I've had way less (compiled) data to use then the last two years. But, I've made do and we've (myself and the two specialists that pull my kids during the day) been reviewing and reteaching to our little hearts content.

Here's my print out from Galileo by student and standard. It's been EXTREMELY helpful. Here's to 6 more days until the test!

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