Friday, February 1, 2013

Five for Friday

 Linking up with Doodle Bugs Teaching for her Five For Friday Linky Party.


#1 Today was "We've got the HOTS for school!" day.  Our principal and janitor (he built a fireplace in the middle of the desert out behind our district offices!) barbecued up some hot dogs and we drank some yummy hot chocolate.  My principal, is amazing!  She tries to do something purely fun with the kids (always involving food) for EVERYONE at least once a quarter.  

#2 Today was the worst day outside my classroom.  EVERY.SINGLE.THING went wrong that could.  I'm thankful for my kiddos, who were the definition of perfection today, though.  They always seem to make everything better! It also helped that it was 62 DEGREES today!  So when I came home I got a nice cold DEW and sat out back in the sun until I didn't feel mad anymore.

#3 Today we entertained one of my buddies daughters for a little while.  She was working on some stuff for church at our house and so John, Tuffy, and I were entertaining her :)  She's a cutie!!!

(And yes, my husband is in fact wearing a customized apron, which he got for Christmas, as he is the cook in our family and he made amazing P.F. Changs-like crispy honey chicken for dinner.)

 #4 Thursday, my kids were AWESOME!  We got SO much learning accomplished.  You can see from all of my "off the chart" clips I'm wearing.  They were SO excited!

#5 We used activities from A Class Act this week during math to extend our symmetry and flips, slides, and turns lessons.  My kids LOVED sorting out the cards as a whole class and discussing why certain cards went in different places.  It was great to get them thinking!


Corinna said...

How fun your principal is!! I never even see ours:( It makes me sad. I love the Off the Chart idea. I have a few sweeties who always "Surf Up" and they have no place else to go!! Have a fabulous weekend:)

Surfin' Through Second

Em Hutchison said...

Ok-anything involving food is fun! I bet your kids had a ball "cooking out." I have not seen your "off the chart" idea before. Thanks for sharing.
