Sunday, February 24, 2013

Death in the Family

We woke up to the phone ringing a little before 8 this morning. We were both still in bed sleeping. We (ok, I) generally don't answer our house phone, however as soon as it stopped ringing John's phone rang and when he answered it all I heard was his mom crying and the words accident. I knew it wasn't good.

We lost two wonderful people from the earth on Saturday night. A wonderful father, son pair (or uncle cousin pair to us). John and I are both kind of in shock still. I'm friends with all of the family on Facebook (John doesn't believe in Facebook so I get to stay in touch with all of them, which I don't mind, but then he sometimes gets annoyed that he doesn't know as much about them as I do). Johns cousin and I interacted at least weekly... Sometimes daily. The family hasn't had easy lives. They've suffered through many trials over the years. And I'm so sad they have to endure this loss of their father and brother at the same time.

Of course, I know we will see them again. I know that we can be an eternal family. I love that about the gospel. I am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and I have a testimony of these eternal truths. So while, it still hurts, there is salve for my wounds through the comforting arms of my Savior.

Please pardon my absence as I run around like a crazy woman during this extremely busy week while preparing for a sub.

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