Saturday, February 2, 2013


I'm linking up with Farley over at Oh Boy 4th Grade for her monthly Currently.  My students are LOVING her Currently for the Classroom, too!

 In my years of teaching (all in the same district) I've had 3 (soon to be 4) superintendents and 5 principals.  One of my greatest pet peeves is when things get sent home that are not correct by myself or the office. We have had a principal with ZERO grammar skills (Written or spoken) However, our opening newsletter this year from the superintendent had 43 errors on it!!!! (i think that takes the least it didn't go out to parents) Yup, I edited it, yelled about it, and then trashed it. GRRR!


Unknown said...

I was working on our Taxes today!! I agree with your pet peeves too! My son does this all the time, has to have the last word, has to prove his point, no matter how trivial it is. Drives me CRAZY!! I may have been guilty of the last one though, I get in a hurry and don't realize the mistakes. I've ha to go back and fix a few!! Glad I found your blog and looking forward to following!!

The Resource(ful) Room

Unknown said...

Eww..that is pretty....43 errors!! WOW!!! I try to read over my posts all the time to find mistakes. I found you through the currently! I'm your newest follower!!

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