Good morning! I am super excited to be joining Miss Johnston for her 2nd Bloggiversary celebration! She is a third grade teacher, like me, and also an awesome blog designer!
She is giving away over 50 prizes and she's SPREADING the LOVE! Each winner gets 1 prize so there will be TONS of winners! There are lots of TPT authors participating, so be sure to enter for your grade level group! Prek-1, 2-3, 4-6, and Middle school all have products to be won!
I'm most excited about the $125 in gift cards! LOOK At all those awesome possibilities!
She's also sending someone 5 different packages! VIA SNAIL MAIL! I love real mail, and packages in the mail are EVEN better!
As for my contribution? If you win, you can have your choice of planners from my TPT store! I'm up to 7 different versions of my planner for you to choose from! Be sure to enter the B2S Goodies Rafflecopter to have a chance at winning a planner of your choice!
Head on over to Miss Johnston's Journey to enter! Good luck!

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