Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Tried it Tuesday

I'm linking up with Holly again for tried it Tuesday. I am LOVING all of the linky parties!  Trying to blog more often, but lets face it, I'm still SUPER busy. Plus John's only here for 10 more days before he leaves for Alaska.  SO, I'm spending as much time as possible with him, which doesn't allow for much blogging on the computer in the office.  

This week I'm sharing some new apps I've found, that I love for the classroom! Now, I have WAY more apps that are usually loaded on my phone during the school year for students to use, but these are the ones that survived that cut, for various reasons. 

It's a free app and texts or e-mails reminders to parents without giving them your personal cell number and without them sharing that information with you. I LOVE this app. You can schedule reminders ahead of time, which means when i remember at 10 PM something I should tell the parents, I can schedule the reminder for the next morning when it would be appropriate to receive that reminder. 

You've all heard of it, I'm sure, but I LOVE whipping my phone out in the hallway and giving points.  You've never SEEN such angels wait patiently for lunch or to use the restroom!  This way, I also don't have to be hooked to my computer all day for students to get points! LOVE 

No explanation needed, right? Great way to get those flash freebies (although it seems to take a little longer to find the product and download it this way if you're in a hurry since you can't just click the link and be taken to the app.)

Common Core It's been SO nice to have all of the Common Core Standards at my finger tips and SEARCHABLE! That's my favorite part. So handy for organization of all of my activities.  Did you know, there isn't any inferencing standards in 3rd grade... who knew! 

Apps for Common Core
This is my favorite new find.  I know it will come in handy if my latest Donors Choose project gets funded (2 new iPads!). Anyway, It too has all of the standards by grade level and then suggests apps for that standard.  It's pretty new, I think, because it doesn't have a lot of variety, but still a great place to start! 


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